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Monday, June 30, 2008

yoz guy tis 2week of frist day on term 3 liao

sch was rather boring haiz as normal our F&N

gt a new cher kinda dont like her as she come to our

class give some idiot face-.-'' then english

almost slept -.-'' if i really slept hor comfirm die

sia-.-'' after was MATH wat a "nice"timetable

for monday =/ yea & manage to stay awake

for the 2period english 2 period math

-.- science still okay loz quite awake

hahah was doing some work sheet

as normal then after sch go back home loz

also noting to do haiz.......
I HATE MY FATHER~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

idiot la come back home scold for no reason

even my sis did wrong he come scold mi instead

of her haiz dunno have to bear tis for hw long...

well it start since i p5 i tink everytime happy

come home then nice nice no happy come home

take thing scold mi something can even scold mi

for my shoes were not put nicely & the promble IS I
DINT PUT ANY SHOES THERE -.-'' idiot rite?

dam fcuk up la haiz dunno tml still gt ndp =/ well

atleast dont need face my family at all ba

well my life totally sucks loz n i mean it something

i dont even know wat the point tat i am living nw?

for my future? for my parent? for myself? for study?

cant really find the rite ans hw i wish when i walk

on road then kana bang? then tis world 1 more jerom

gone =D but if i like tis die will be alot burden to

my family haiz.......... my life have totally no meaning

la go sch then come back face computer instead go out listen

scolding then eat,sleep? wat other thing can i do???

then wan find ppl to chat to forgot thing n there is

no one online pei mi??nvm use to it liao...

i shall go off nw buaii~!

Blogged @ 4:46 AM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, June 28, 2008

YOZ guy i shall blog for awhile????? muahhah lolz yesterday having

ndp training from 12.30report sch till 11.30back to sch? cool rite lolz

lolz at 9+am was wake up by denicia-.-'' could sleep till 10+ then go

to mac? yea den go back sch then waited for bus loz then was on

the way to marine bay there then suddenly THE AIR CON BROKE
DOWN freak sia -.-'' then the whole trip was very hot loz then we reach

n GET down the bus quickly... lolz then lucky gt big wind hahah then

we get down alot ppl make noisy then miss tean ask y make so many

noise she wanted to scold us at frist de then we say AIR CON BROKE DOWN

then she noting to say then ask us settle down lolz

then awhile go to car park there waited for our turn? yea then go

the perform awhile then go back car park to eat? then asked val help mi

get water n TAT jana ho put the SOYA bean on near my head there

then junhao go hit it the it poour onto my head -.-''

freak la IDIOT JUNHAO N JANA HO~! =/ then washed

awhile then while waiting i go find denicia n some guy0.0?

then val ask mi to help her eat then i asked her eat half then others

i finish then she eat liao,go put chilli n some thing to let mi eat lolz

but is nice muahah then settle awhile then get ready for perform?

while waiting MY DEAR COUSIN AKA SHERYL*did i spell wrong u name?

lolz i used to spell wrong ur name x]* send mi sms which i n her was like

2metre away?? lolz funny sia her but she used chinese word n it was

funny hahahah then go to the perform thingy& waited n i sit behisde

sheryl again lolz chat wif her awhile then get ready for perform liao

then perform liao go the gate there wait for the whole performing finish

then all go out then see firework had some fun wif jana locky val n yong

quan then locky keep wanted to take pic of fireworks n her

reaction to slow so only take so little haha then she asked

mi to help her take photo then was about to taake it

then JANA HO dunno wat she doing n jump jump

toward mi n licked my hand -.- EEEEE RAWR

jana next time wan jump please to dont toward

mi =x lolz then awhile walk back to car park

while walking back to car park suan-ed ezra hahah

casue gerald&valere was doing hand cross? then

i say WA so close then valere say jealous har?

then i say yea loz... then she grab my hand for the

hand cross loz then ezra see liao wan do also but no ppl

wan do wif him hahaha then keep tio suan loz

then walk back till car park there waited quite awhile

for bus then reach sch around 11.30+ i tink &

hor the bus driver going the speed is at 45km/h

n which he can go till 90km/h dam slow la

at frist i tot y the bus so slow

then i go see he only go around 40~50km/h ....

so slow sia then reach sch liao then rush to MRT

then go back home then eat something bathe n SLEEP

lolz i shall gtg nw buaii~

Blogged @ 10:57 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, June 27, 2008

hi guy=x lolz dint blog for sososos long liao like 2weeks le?
lolz lazy blog marh then holiday noting to blog then
sch day to busy liao =/ is our 1st week of sch & is the
5th day so tml is weekend but sad tml need go sch for
ndp thingy till 10 or reach sch by 10=/ haiz
i guess our sch frist week was dam tired n busy??
the whole week i only like 2days free? n i dint get much sleep
also haiz....very very tired=/ haiz.... sch open liao
cannot slack liao hardly can go out play then nw must choing
liao sian loz at nite no ppl online then bored no ppl CHAT =x
BOREDING PPL lolz sian nw no ppl at home then tired
i guess today will sleep 10+ idk ba today derick CRAP alot
but his CRAP has alot reason on it n it is useful de yea n treated
us BUBBLE TEA hahahah =x && locky gt his cashcard n almost
forgot return to him loz i dunno she gt return marh
nvm ltr i go ask hahahah tml NDP is about combie the all
performencer tgt??? i guess then soon or later we gone to perform
for p5 ppl to see =/dunno hope it will goes well haha... well
i shall go off nw buaii~

Blogged @ 4:40 AM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, June 8, 2008

hey guys i shall post =x tis few
days MIA to camp to maple to badmition
haha =D super lazy update lolz i shall update
on camp ba =D
1st day
well at frist we start in a very very very slack
ways n frist two game was dam dam dam dam boreding =x
lolz after tat lunch i tink then go listen to a talk
the talk was nice n alot meaning learn quite alot thing
from it hope will get more =D after tat played some
game n dinner =D then after dinner we was about going
watch moive but got problem so we stay outside w0w
room for some mini camp fire =D lolz but no fire everyone
was high i guess we had alot alot fun loz =D
after tat debief go sleep
2nd day
as frist days was slack n we dint know is was a trianing
camp neither camp committe know it so 2nd days
the whole camp change into like UG style okay la
is quite fun also =D then cant rmb much yea n breadfast
was many alot ppl cant finish it =/ n some idiot still
complain about food n the drink pls loz tis a training camp
wat u expect? MAC,KFC,PIZZA ?? if wan tat go home la hor
then alot camp com very angry wif the complain of the
food&drink no nice=/ if u say too many still okay loz
haiz nvm shall no talk about it after tat game
then i stain my leg go rest n see them play loz =x i am so slack
hahah =x then after tat lunch i tink lunch almost everyone
finish it =/ then went for the talk again the talk was fun =D
after tat doro explain thing to us n blah blah blah the play
game is was THE-TUG-OF-WAR okay la i was kinda slack
no really u se strength to pull it =/ i tink cut my last finger
nvm small cut nia then went for dinner after dinner
senior counillor take over n hard thing will come haha
frist game we need walk to DnT block alone okay la is dark
but very fun loz haha no ppl scared us =D then run to
2post need wait for them n while waiting we
need hold on pumping postion after 2group
come mean my group n weijie group i tink we
ran from carpark to chaple there then all ppl come liao
& the game we had to do is going down the drian
DAM COOL =D haha weijie group go frist our group 2nd
then weijie group complete all n my group do half only
casue i have leg camp agrr =/ but after i came out they
wan to go on but cher say tat below gt one machic
will give out toixe n make ppl faint so no choice
all must come out =D inside very dirty
but it is SO DAM COOL loz it like only 1 in ur life
time can go in =D then play game then all ppl must blindfold
n each group there will be 1 ppl no blindfold n i having leg
camp so i dont need blindfold haha =x then our frist
mission went to canteen boys toilet =D
n they have to drink up the water from toilet bowl
hahaha but no really the water from toilet bowl la
well then go to the granden our sch had then dunno wat TS
do =/ then went to PS n we need lift a bucket of water wif our
leg n lay down on the floor well we did it somehow
then go 2floor boy toilet n xinci went we in n we had to sing
outside there then go 4th floor n do maze =/ then go down to frist
floor to report =/ then we play tis game
tat we sit in a circle then put our leg to right n lay down on each other
leg n slow move the chair away =D well is can be done
so go try it if u all wan to see =D then bathe went back bunk
n i fall a sleep in like a min
everyone was tired haha
then around 3 suddenly fire drill the debeif then went for
supper but i never eat =/ then i suddenly feel like vominting
so go rest frist till
3rd day
morning breadfast then
play some water game
then are cleaning
then debeif till 1plus
while waiting for jj i go weijie house n bathe
lolz the we go eat roti prata wif xinci weijie jj deyisia val grendla
then went home wif jj then i bathe liao n fall a sleep from 7 pm
till8+ am ba then was having fever=/
well i shall stop here liao
buaii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =D

Blogged @ 8:02 PM
Don't let me go -